On the occasion of ‘’Independence Day’’ 15 Aug 2020, Durmi of GP-Durme-Block Dasholi, Sitel of GP-Guladi-Block Ghat and Ghandiyal of GP- Ghandiyal-
Block Gairsain of District Chamoli,Uttrakhand has been declared as ODF Plus under the SBM (G)

Villages: -At a Glance
By ensuring the toilet facilities and usage for every household of the village, the all above village become ODF on 24 November 2020. Presently all House hold are using and maintaining their toilet and sustaining the ODF Status of their respective village. All Villagers are well aware about the resolution of open defecation free and village cleanliness. After discussing the Parameter of ODF-Plus and existing facilities of Sanitation with district official, the villagers pass resolution in open meeting to make their village clean and litter free from Garbage and become ODF Plus under Swachh Bharat Mission - Gramin (Phase-II). Keeping these parameter in mind all three panchayats look forward to make their Villages ODF +. Besides this 100% IHHL, Community sanitary complex were completed and Solid-liquid waste management work was also done by the villagers. To achive the objective of ODF-Plus as per SBM guidelines the following details works /step were undertaken by villagers:
(A) Solid Waste Management
1. Individual Household Garbage Management- The garbage of every HH is being disposed in proper manner with the help of organic and non-organic dustbins, which were distributed by Panchayats to every HH. It helps the villagers to identify and segregate solid waste into biodegradable and in non-biodegradable waste.
2. Community Garbage Collection- For the purpose of Safe disposal of solid waste in the village, the Community Garbage pits constructed. Previously the village garbage
was thrown away in open due to unavailability of proper garbage disposal arrangement in the village. Keeping these points in mind Panchayats have decided to construct common Garbage pit for primary collection, now the garbage of every HH is being disposed in proper manner. Common Garbage Pits are constructed in different cluster as per the requirement of Village. HH Garbage are being Collected in common garbage and then goes to segregation centre for further treatment/recycling.3.
Composting -: Maximum
organic waste are being used by the villagers as a fodder of their animals in
all hilly villages, but animal dung as well animal fodder waste and some
agricultural waste are the major problem which are directly affected to village
cleanliness (Visual Cleanliness). For manage visual cleanliness compost pit
construction was only a solution to manage such type of garbage in common
places. To resolve this problem villagers decided to construct compost pit for
bio-composting with the support of SBM(G) and Agriculture department. Presently all villages are using compost pit
for proper composting for their agriculture.
Garbage Collection/Segregation:-Non biodegradable garbage collected
from common Garbage pits or directly from households are collected in common
collection/segregation Center for its further management /recycling. A common Segregation
Centre has been constructed in each Gram Panchayat. As per further planning all
collected/segregated material will be sent to block level plastic waste
management unit, which is already taken in plan of FY 2020-21 with the support
of SBM (G)-II and Panchayati Raj Department Uttrakhand.
(B) Liquid Waste Management
Individual Soak Pits – Generally, Grey water Management
is not a major problem in hilly villages, there is no stagnant water are found
due to the topography of hilly villages. Some kitchen /bathroom water of
Individual house hold slightly goes to common places, for resolving this
problem individual low cost soak pits has been constructed to manage grey water.
Community Drainage -: Closely
situated household, where
some problem was found for constructing individual soak pits due to
unavailability of land nearby, a common drainage system has been developed for
proper management of Grey Water. Drainage network from kitchen and bathroom of
HH, which connects to chamber where solid waste is being collected and the
liquid waste is transfer to the soak pit. Construction of drainage in different
clusters of village to overcome the problem of improper waste water management
& water logging.
(C)Community Sanitary Complex:-
To cater the needs of migrant laborers, large congregations in of local melas and as well to sustain & maintain ODF status of the villages construct a community Sanitary Complex. It is maintained village by their own resources.
(D) .Outcome for Awareness generation – Each family was distributed dustbins. They were motivated to manage their Solid & liquid waste scientifically. Overall the sanitary conditions in the village have improved – resulting in a clean environment. No discharge of sewage polluted waste water into the nearby rivers & rivulets. Safe disposal of waste, health benefits especially the incidence of water borne diseases.
Lesson learned: - Effective institutional arrangement and involvement of community in decision making can create willingness and ownership factor among villagers. The proper delegation of responsibility generates tremendous interest in managing physical and financial arrangement effectively as well. The ownership feelings derive from the involvement of the community in identifying their Sanitation needs, planning for their Sanitation works, operation and maintenance. Now the every household is maintaining a kitchen garden and producing green vegetables for their own consumption. This is resulting in considerable savings in earlier expenditure on green vegetables. This is also transforming into health benefits for the villagers. The views on ways of living have totally changed in the village. After facilitate in ODF-Plus Status under Swachh Bharat Mission- gramin (Phase-II) , Swajal Project has brought a bright smile on the faces of the villagers.