1. Abstract
1.1 Sensation of 13 Years of
sustainable water supply scheme of Villagers of Parwada, District- Nanital, by
adopting a good and innovative practice of Operation and maintenance, is one of
the best success stories of community management, effective demand mechanism
and cost recovery.
The Success Story attempts to: (i) describe the project in brief. (ii) Life
through community participation pre and post scenario After water supply scheme
was commissioned; (iii) Share experiences and good practices under the running
of successful operation and maintenance by the community of Parwada (iv)
lessons learnt for Great interest to maintain the scheme itself and Successful
institutional and financial arrangement by the villagers of Parwada.
2. Introduction
2.1 The delivery of sustainable rural water supply and
sanitation service is an issue of considerable concern among policy planners
and water sector managers of the State. The success story is intended for
managers and planners who are concerned with the challenging problem of how to
deliver sustainable water supply and sanitation services through successful
practices of effective operation and maintenance in the rural/hilly areas.
Evidence exists to support that sustainable delivery of water supply and sanitation
services encompasses not only technical issues, but also managerial, social,
financial and institutional issues.
The current project design is such that it moves away from target based, supply
driven model to a demand based approach where users get the service they want
and are willing to pay for across the rural area of the state, i.e., across the
sector . The basic principles for reform in the RWSS sector include community
participation in the planning, implementation, operation and maintenance (O&M)
for the schemes of its choice, and the changing role of the government from
that of a service provider to a facilitator.
2.3 The unique features of the
success story have benefited / are benefiting villagers of Parwada in several
ways. The benefits accrued to villagers due to sustainable operation and
maintenance of water supply scheme by the VWSC include (i) User perception of
need & consequent high motivation to maintain an improved water supply.
(ii) proactive implementing agency which can provide both technical and
software and as necessary resource which are genuinely beyond the capacity of
users (iii) Community level institution in which those with the greatest
interest in maintaining supply have a powerful voice.
The Uttarakhand Rural water supply and Sanitation Project was the demand driven
approach system from the community. Earlier the community was facing the huge
scarcity of water. They collect & fetching the drinking water from far
away. The biggest challenge is to bring about a change of mindset in which,
payment of realistic tariff for a reliable service commitment to provide that
service. In other words customer-- becomes the norms.
Most part of
Kumaon lies in high terrain, some part however lies in Tarai Region and Bhabar region areas. Hilly areas of Uttarakhand
have always scarified for drinking water. Considerable labour & time are
spent each day by women folk in potable water from long distance for the
family. The most of the villages are isolated. These lack of drinking water
facilities, proper sanitation and drainage arrangement which cause
environmental hazards. The household are too poor to pay realistic water
charges, people who have benefited from an improved water supply often claim
that it is one of the most important aspects of the infrastructure which they
will enjoy. There is the complete lack of portable drinking water and sanitary
latrines as the people uses open areas. The villagers are living in state of
unhygienic and unsanitary conditions before the Swajal scheme commissioned in
this particular village.
3.3 Now all the households in the
village have sanitary Latrines, Quality potable water, Compost, Garbage pit
& Soak pit for Solid and Liquid Waste Management, decline in the rate of
child mortality, water borne diseases like Jaundice, Cholera, Diarrhea, Malaria
etc. good quality compost is prepared and village is open defecation free. In
the year 2008-09 the village awarded Nirmal Gram Puraskar by Honorable
President of India. The economic static of the community increased.
Description of Water Supply Scheme & Strategies adopted
4.1 The Parwada village is a single
village Grampanchayat. It has 206 households comprises 1440 population
scattered in 08 habitation/mazara
situated 50 km away from district headquarter- Nainital. Earlier there was no
water supply scheme in the village, so that, no one of the villager are leaving
happily. The economical as well as the social status of the village was poor
there were no scope of income generation program so that maximum households
were poor.
4.2 The chronic shortage of water is
a perpetual experience of the community of the villagers. The unsanitary
conditions are restorable for the many water diseases gastroenteritis, diarrhea,
typhoid, Jaundice etc, which is more pronounced during the summer month. To
overcome this drawbacks & limitations, Government has despite adopted a new
strategy where by the villager are to be involved in construction and
maintenance of the Scheme. To generate a sense of belonging in the villager, it
was envisaged to give 1% cash contribution & 9% labor contribution
aggregate 10% of the cost of Scheme. In 1998 the world vision India (as NGO) is
been selected as a support organization, the calls for involvement of the
community for which the mobilization is being carried out through the NGO.
4.3 The District Project Management
Unit-Bhimtal Swajal played a role of implementing agency for responsibility of
planning, Implementation and subsequent maintenance of various component of the
project. The VWSC (Village water and Sanitation Committee) formed under
guidance of DPMU-Bhimtal (Swajal) to carry out the various activities. At that time to meet out the
desired demand of water, 03 water supply scheme of different available
technological option constructed, one is surface water pumping, other one is Gravity
and one is of RWHT (Rain Water Harvesting Tank) constructed. For better
implementation of scheme the Engineers and Specialist of DPMU regularly watched
and monitored the scheme. This way the villager’s dream of possessing a water
supply scheme of their own was fulfilled and the water supply scheme was
commissioned on 25th July 2001.
Evidence of Performance
Presently each house hold
contributing Rs. 125/- per month for O&M and meet out the electricity
charges and other repairing works from their funds. O&M details of scheme
since last 5 years for Parwada surface water pumping scheme.
from tariff
(in Rs.)
Maintenance Expenditure
Balance amount in O&M
account of VWSC :- Rs. 50845/-( Rs. 33845 as per Bank account and Rs. 17000/-
cash in hand. Bank Account Number- 10340100001175-Uttarakhand Gramin Bank
Bhateliya, Nainital)
Source :- VWSC Parwada
Factor of Success
The scheme is looked after by the Village
Water and Sanitation Committee (VWSC) of Parwada. The key factor of Success of
adopting a good and innovative practice of Operation and maintenance by the
villagers of Parwada are;
6.1 Strong User perception of need
& consequent high motivation to maintain an improved water supply.
6.2 Strong Community level
institution in which those with the greatest interest in maintaining supply
have a powerful voice.
6.3 A proactive implementing agency
which can provide both technical and software and as necessary resource which
are genuinely beyond the capacity of users.
6.4 A proactive and responsive
support organization which can provide software support for building the
capacity of user.
Sustainability of Project
The water supply scheme introduce in the
village Parwada of District Nanital, Uttaranchal state is continuously
providing safe drinking water to its community since its completion and commissioning year July, 2001. The recurring
expenditure required for running and maintaining of this project is being
deposited by the community to the VWSC regularly. Finance has never been hurdle
towards smooth running of the scheme due to active participation of VWSC and
community. The VWSC is actively taking interest for keeping this scheme
maintenance record updated. About Rs. 50845 is in their hand with VWSC in its
maintenance head at present after clearing all the bills and recurring
expenditure till dated.
From the above figure it is clear
that due to active participation of community and successful implementation of
long period (Nearly 13 years) of Operation and maintenance, the villagers of
Parwada of District Nanital ensure their need of sustainable safe drinking
water continuously. Its Implies that the strong need, highly motivation toward
to maintain the improved water supply scheme and proactive implementing agency
and support organization make this project sustainable.
Nearly 13 years they have been in operation
and maintenance. The strong need, highly motivational toward to maintain the
improved water supply scheme and proactive implementing agency and support
organization make this project sustainable.
Lesson Learned
villagers can do and successfully participate in construction and maintenance
of rural water supply system if they have actually needed the portable drinking
water and can live in safe and hygienic living condition.
2- Great
interest to maintain the scheme itself.
3- Implementing
agency and support organization will have to play a proactive role to sustain
this project taking villagers and community in confidence.
4- Women
Involvement is necessary
Shri Ram Singh; Treasurer,VWSC-Shri Mohan Sing ;Secretary, VWSC- Shri Harendra
Singh; SMW worker- Shri Vijay Ram and Shri Gopal Singh, Village Water and
Sanitation Committee, Parwada, Block Dhari, District Nainital.
link: - www.who.int/water_sanitation
Authors: -
D.K. Tewari, Environment Specialist (MSc.-Life Science, MBA-HR)
Bhaskar, Engineering Consultant (B.E. in Mechanical Engineering)
Organization: - District Project Management Unit,
Nainital- Swajal Project.
No: - 05942-247272, 247287
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